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Top 5 Macrame Tools for Makers of Any Ability

2017 was a busy year for me, establishing my processes and using my imagination to overcome the stumbling blocks of making big commissions. I found myself in a lot problem solving situations and having to source items that I’m sure weren't originally manufactured for macramé crafts! I wanted to share some of the items I have “repurposed” as I now use them daily and they are standing the test of time! When I think about how much these items have helped me and the time they have saved me it makes sense for me to save you the trouble of finding out what works and share them with you! I’ve compiled the below list and expanded on each item so you can appreciate why there useful and how you can put them to use yourself

Top 5 Macramé Tools for Makers of Any Ability

1. BIG SHARP SCISSORS- I use these Fiskars scissors. They are 24cm long, dress makers scissors and they’re super sharp and dangerous! But even 6mm yarn gets snipped up quick with these. I love them. Can’t be without them. You can get the ones I love on this link

and if you do decide to buy a pair from this link and via amazon they give me some (£) as I’m an amazon associate now! (swanky I know)

2. TAPE MEASURE- essential for booking parcels, measuring wall spaces and imagining designs- I actually keep one in my bag as a tape is always super useful in my opinion!

3. TAPE GUN – Seals my parcels and makes them more waterproof – If you’re going to start shipping you’re going to need to learn how to use one and believe it or not there is a skill/ hand movement to master!

4. SUPER CHEAP CLOTHES RAIL- not pretty but there are four features of this rail that are SO useful I couldn’t help but highlight them!

Wheels- great for when I completely change my mind on what is a good environment to work in

Folds away – this breaks down into the individual pieces again so I tend to store it in the bottom of my wardrobe when its not needed

Look for the ones that have screws for hanging things- the adjustable Hight screws on this one double as a hanging hook, so my scissors and anything else I need gets a loop of cord and has somewhere to hang

Medium thickness bars- PERFECT width for sliding any of the United Knots cords onto giving you a tangle free way to pull off measure and cut your cords!

Im pretty sure I brought mine at Argos it looks like this one here:

5. PET HAIR COMB- (do not mix with your actual pet hair comb) put some tape on it to identify it! This must be the fastest way to untangle single ply yarn fringes!

***Bonus tool- Macramé cord – practical stuff to have around, now that I have it I seem to find a lot needs for tying / hanging things!

This list should have given you a few aha moments! I find with these tools I have most of what I need to solve lots of macramé making conundrums and meet the most demanding client requests for commissions.

But these are only what I find useful! I would love to hear what you think!

Did you already have some of these items to hand? Are you too a big fan of the “cheap Rail”? Do you have any other items that could be added here for others to benefit from? I’m big into sharing best practice so please leave a comment below if you felt this helpful or if you have something you want to share too to help others.

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