DIY Macrame Wall Hanging - Christmas Crafts Macrame Shooting Star for beginners

With Christmas just around the corner, I have created this simple little Macrame Shooting star hanger for anyone who is new to macrame to show a simple way to use square knots to make this super cute piece!
While you do not need any prior experience to make this hanger, it is recommended that you watch the other videos in my playlist too! REMEMBER: these tips can be used when making any Macramé hanging, so feel free to come back later to refresh yourself on the basics in my other videos. It’s also worth pointing out that this pattern is my own. I give permission for it to be used by individuals, but its not for commercial reproduction. All I ask is that you let me know if I’ve helped you, and share via social media with me! (and subscribe)
Let’s get started!
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This video tutorial covers:
Measuring and cutting the cord for this pattern How to “cast on” (using a larks head knot) onto a cord How to tie a square knot How to create star arms (using square knots) How to join arms to make bigger arms How to finish and tie off
Equipment Macramé, unlike crochet or knitting, does not require any “needles”. You only need your hands to tie knots.
I use my professional macrame cord for this video, it is a single ply Macramé cotton cord which is available in my shop here.
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It’s soft, easy to use and unravels gently should you want to create a smooth fringe effect.
For this piece, the cotton must be cut into 15 x 60cm lengths.. Supplies • 4mm UnitedKnots single ply cotton cord (cut into 60cm lengths) • Clipboard • Scissors
If you liked this DIY Macramé wall hanging tutorial and would like to see more, let me know in the comments below. Want to learn more?
Follow me on Instagram to see short clips, product updates and weekly personal projects to get inspired to start joining the knots yourself!
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