DIY Project Macrame Plant Hanger
DIY Macrame Plant Hanger - Macrame Project - Plant Hanger Tutorial Free Macramé Plant Hanger Pattern - DIY Macramé Plant hanger
Lesson 1 - Pattern For beginners- DIY Craft
I have made this DIY macramé plant hanger tutorial to help first-time makers use three basic knots and a simple pattern to make your own macramé plant hanger. You do not need to have ever tried Macramé before, but I do recommend you watch my first video to see the half hitch knots demoed very slowly.
By following this tutorial, you will be taken from start to finish leaving you ready to explore your own designs for making plant hangers in future using three-knot combinations!
This pattern is my own, I have developed it especially for anyone who wants to learn how to DIY a macramé plant hanger. I give permission for anyone to make it for themselves, having said that, this pattern is only for personal use (by individuals) and is not for commercial reproduction or gain, All I ask is that, if you loved this video and want to support me making more videos, let me know, share the love! Tag me on Instagram @robyn_gough follow me on Twitter @RGMacraméUK and visit my store to get your 5mm Macramé UK super soft cotton cord!
Macramé, unlike crochet or knitting, does not require any “needles” and instead just your hands to tie knots. I use a traditional styled Macramé Cotton Cord which is available in my shop link above.
It's soft, easy to use, and unravels gently should you want to create a shaggy fringe effect. You will need a wooden Ring for this tutorial, I am using a 7cm curtain ring I am repurposing as I love to recycle!
I have filmed this video at my desk with a raised at an angel drawing board, although, normally when making macramé wall hangings I use a clothes rail and hang my work, so create things normally standing up. This is why my hands are a little clunky to begin within these videos and you will find it easier to work in the standing up way! Macramé supplies and dimensions • 5mm Macramé UK super soft cotton Cut into 6x “8 arm wraps” lengths – this is important! Which makes a hanging with “arms” that are 30cm in length And holds a pot approx. 14cm in diameter • Wooden ring/ plastic ring 7cm • Scissors Make time is Approx. 1hr 3Omins Beginner DIY Macramé Plant Hanger Pattern- A step by step Tutorial by Robyn Gough If you liked this beginners DIY Macramé Plant hanger tutorial and would like to see more “intermediate” knots, please do let me know in my comments or subscribe to my newsletter on my website for the latest updates You can also follow me on Instagram and this is the best place to send me a direct message! You can ask me anything! You can also see short clips, product updates and weekly personal projects to get your inspiration going here so let’s connect! I am a proud Etsy Seller and Maker! I want other makers to be able learn easily and develop their skills. I am doing this by developing a line of Cotton which I ship form the UK for a fair price Globally. Check out my Shop for your 3mm, 4mm and 5mm Macramé Cords and other Macramé Supplies.