Why I'm a Proud Etsy Seller

What is Etsy?
When I started my business it was no-brainer for ne to start selling on Etsy. It was only when I went home for Christmas and spoke to family who told me they had never heard Etsy before until seeing my work did i realise some shoppers just still dont know about all the handmade goodness out there!
I thought everyone knew what Etsy was and why it was cool but it turns out they dont. If you do, you can probably skip this post, but for thoes who dont, I have summarised Etsy services below and how it benefits you as a shopper and why you should get a warm fuzzy feeling when u buy from an artist....
Artists Can Launch a business on Etsy and you can buy bespoke.
Just this year, when trying to develop my macramé skills further I came across a few problem.
Nowhere good to learn Macramé from
Nowhere to get Macramé cotton from
No Cool Macramé artists in the UK to buy from.
Nobody to ask for advice.
And so, my business was born to tackle the problem and to try and make a bespoke UK macrame design service for my customer's
How did Etsy help?
I couldnt have done it without etsy! Thats why today I’m a proud Etsy seller. I’m "proud" because the platforms ethos creates a fair marketplace for creatives. Alongside this, it enables folks who want to by bespoke, handmade art a go to place to find things from anywhere in the world and order securely.
What does Etsy do for you, and why its better to buy through Etsy?
I took these points from Etsy themselves as they highlight why you should "feel reassured" buying through them:
Etsy is secure.
Etsy shows sales figures so you can identify trustworthy sellers
You can read shop reviews and policies
You can use the Etsy app messenger to contact seller and ask questions
Your transactions are protected by World-class security
They Safeguard your information and state “it is the top priority of our dedicated security experts”
They Offer Purchase protection.....And finally....
If anything goes wrong, the global support team has got your back
Lets makers be makers, lets etsy be digital innovators
Etsy do coved alot of the digital side to online retail and they update there services all of the time. As a maker it takes alot of the hassles away. There most recent innivation "Etsy Studio" opened recently with the mission statement:
“a new market and a separate website just for craft supplies”
I interpret this as a marketplace thats probably going to be more dominated by large companies, not at home makers like myself, however only time will tell if this is a good place to shop supplies. To date I have sold 0 macrame cotton through studio although having listings there.
World wide audience and shopping.
Supplying cotton for other makers around the world could have been a bit scary but by supplying through Etsy and knowing there hot on security precautions I feel safe to do so.
So, If you’ve never been to Etsy before
Check it out out here